
Hamilton Architects Welcome Six Newcomers

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We are delighted to welcome six newcomers to the Hamilton Architects team! 

They are, pictured from left:

Part I Architectural Assistant Annie Patterson graduated with a BA in Architecture from Newcastle University.  Her core architectural interests include community-based design, building conservation and sustainability.

Part 1 Architectural Assistant Jiaxin He has a BSc in Architecture from Queen’s University Belfast.  He has a particular interest in architectural illustration, technical drawing and visualization, and the potential for architecture to promote social engagement.

Ronan Kerr, Part II Architectural Assistant, has a BA in Architecture and a Masters in Architecture from Ulster University.  Ronan has a love of all things design and has already gained considerable knowledge of design, model-making, photography and graphic software.

Tong Fong Koo, Part II Architectural Assistant, has a Masters in Architecture from Queen’s University Belfast.  Architectural illustration, technical drawing, and visualization were her favourite areas of study during her degree.

Raissa Fonseca is an Architectural Assistant with a BA in Architecture and Urban Planning from the Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. She has skills in a variety of drafting and design software, hand-drawing, model-making and project management.

Architectural Assistant Nisa Ceteci has BA in Architecture from Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University in Turkey. She has experience in both the practical and technical fields of architecture, from architectural visualisation though design, project development and delivery.